Keeping a house clean shouldn't mean a single 5-hour session every week cleaning up the chaos you've been gradually creating. Rather, it should be about finding ways to keep it consistently clean so you don't have to spend most of your week dwelling in that chaotic mess.
It's much nicer to have a clean place to return to when you get home from work at the end of the day. In this article, we'll share everything you need to know to keep your house clean all year round, spending as little time as possible.
1. Daily Habits For Simple Tasks
If you're interested in having a consistently clean house, developing the right daily habits is your first order of business. While it may seem like extra work at first, doing a few regular chores in the morning or when you get home will save you time on your weekly deep clean.
It's worth getting into the habit of making the bed in the morning to have your room look tidy. At night, before you go to bed, simply wipe down countertops, pick up loose laundry, and clear your coffee table and dining room. If you have a dishwasher, turn it on before you sleep so that those dirty dishes will be gleaming by morning and ready to use.
It doesn't have to take forever, once you figure out your daily cleaning routine, it'll get faster with practice.
2. Create a Weekly Cleaning Schedule
Certain chores, like cleaning toothpaste and grime from the bathroom sink, only need to be done on a weekly basis. Having your family members on board with a weekly cleaning routine can reduce the per-person load. Create a printable cleaning schedule and encourage everyone to stay on top of their weekly chores.
If you find yourself with too little time to do a deep clean every week, it might be worth hiring cleaning services to do the heavy lifting. This way, you and your family can spend more time on what matters most to you.
3. Empty Your Fridge While Making Your Shopping List
It makes perfect sense that these two tasks go hand-in-hand. While you're browsing through the contents of your fridge to see what you do and don't need, get rid of the old stuff that you won't be using anymore. While you're at it, you may as well quickly wipe down the inside of your fridge.
4. Clean Up As You Cook
A messy kitchen is a daunting task to have to face after dinner. Cleaning as you cook is an art that every good home chef should be well-practiced in. Keep your kitchen clean while you cook by regularly wiping down the kitchen counters as you go.
If you make a little spill, clean it before moving on to your next task. This will prevent a massive mess from building up right under your nose and you'll have more time to relax after dinner.
5. Stock Up On Cleaning Products
Having the right cleaning supplies is nine-tenths of keeping your house clean. When doing your grocery shopping, make sure you pick up everything you need to keep your house clean. Cleaning grime and grease typically require harder chemicals to remove.
You can use your favorite essential oils with water for simple tasks like wiping down your coffee table or countertops. Using an essential oil cleaner can reduce the toxicity that develops as a by-product of regular cleaning.
6. Systematize Your Laundry
Dirty clothes laying around the house contribute to a general feeling of chaos and disorderliness. Every organized home should have a laundry system that reduces the time spent picking up dirty clothes or waiting for the washing machine to be free.
It could be helpful to assign every family member a time to do a load of laundry. Linens and bedsheets can be done during your weekly deep clean.
7. Spring Cleaning Routine
While simple tasks need to be done on a daily or weekly basis, it's important to declutter on a yearly or bi-yearly basis. As consumers, we tend to accumulate junk over time. Whether it's old clothes, linens, shoes, or kitchenware, chances are you've accumulated more than your or your family members need.
Spring cleaning is a traditional and fun way to renew your home and give it a feeling of rejuvenated freshness. There's no need to dread doing it — make a family event out of it!
8. Outsource Cleaning Services
Being time-efficient is all about knowing what's worth spending time on and what isn't. For some people, cleaning can be a relaxing, meditative task that comes as naturally as breathing. For others, it feels grueling, time-wasting, and pointless.
If you're the latter type of person and have the extra money to spare, it might be worth considering hiring cleaning services to reduce the load. This way, you'll be able to spend more time on your work, hobbies, or with friends and family.
Enjoy Your Lovely Clean Home
With these great hacks and tips, you'll never have to spend time staring at your messy kitchen wondering why it never seems to stay clean after you've just cleaned it. By keeping on top of your daily and weekly cleaning routine, you'll get to enjoy living in your well-organized sanctuary when you get home after a hard day of work.
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Editorial Disclaimer: Articles featuring tips and advice are intended for educational purposes and only as general recommendations. Always practice personal discretion when using and caring for furniture, decor and related items.